ADRC of Racine County, Wisconsin


Youth in Transition



When a child with a disability begins to transition into adulthood it can be an overwhelming process for that person and their family. At this juncture, planning starts and it is also a time when transition services within school may continue or discontinue based upon a person's future goals. Having insight into what may be available in the community can be very helpful.

Keep in mind if a person is already 18 they have the legal authority to make their own decisions, and as such, this person should be the one to consult about getting connected to services. They will need to give permission allowing parents or caregivers to assist them in this process and also be involved in these processes themselves. The ADRC is available to facilitate connections to services, and assist with transition needs. We can help with to answer "What now?" during this time.

Because the ADRC assists people with this transition process, we can begin these conversations about planning as early as age 17.5. Please consider contacting your local ADRC to plan for your future. 


Resoure Corner:

ADRC Transition Brochure

Transition Timeline

Transition website - Planning for the Future Before Age 18

Racine County Transition information 

ADRC booklets and other sites for Adults with Intellectual (Developmental) or Physical Disabilities

Resources for Adults Living with an Intellectual or Developmental Disability

Resources for People Living with Physical Disabilities

One Step Forward Resource Directory (Racine County Information regarding Basic Assistance, Behavioral Health, AODA, and Urgent Needs.)


Other Transition Resources

CESA 1  (locations East of I 94)provides you with area traning opportunities and information.

CESA 2 Transition Resources  (locations West of I 94)provides you with area traning opportunities and information.

WSPEI - Wisconsin Statewide Parent Educator Initiative

Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilites - BPDD

Wisconsin Statewide Transition Improvement Grant

WI Facets - Wisconsin Family Assistance Center for Training, Education and Support has a variety of resources and information for parents and families of children and adults with disabilities.

Wisconsin Family Ties - Changing Lives by Improving Children's Mental Health

WisconSibs, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization that connects siblings of people with disabilities with each other, and with resources to help them throughout their lifelong journey. In northeastern Wisconsin, it provides Sibshops® and camps for girls and boys, and future planning and social events for families. Statewide, its services include web content, consulting, coaching, future planning, and conference presentations. Nationally, it is the Wisconsin chapter of the Sibling Leadership Network.

The Transition Improvement Grant has designed a transition app to increase self-direction and self-advocacy for all Wisconsin youth in the transition planning process.  We are excited for youth, schools, families, and agencies to begin using this application!   See:  This app is designed to help Wisconsin students and family members participate in the transition planning process.   The questions in the app help students give input into the requirements of the state and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 

Ticket to Work programHere's a nice website that reviews information about the program. It's a way for adults who are on SSI or SSDI to keep their benefits, work and possibly increase their income.

National Down Syndrome Society  has developed an informational booklet Alzheimer's Disease and Downs Syndrome to assist caregivers.

Virtual Education Guide to Help Millions of Students with Disabilities - See:


Safety Issues -  Elopement Alert Form   Racine County Residents of Special Needs Special Needs Alert Program (SNAP)  The Racine County Sheriff’s Office has implemented a program that will aid Law Enforcement Officers in contacting and locating residents of Racine County with special needs.  The program can assist individuals with all types of special needs, such as, Alzheimer’s, Autism, Down Syndrome, Dementia and those with hearing and vision impairments.  By completing the attached form, you will provide the Sheriff’s department with crucial information that can assist in providing the best care during emergencies.  For additional questions, please call the Racine County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Center at 262-886-2300.

 Autism/Alzheimer/Dementia Elopement Alert Form 


Upcoming Conferences/Workshops

Check back for new programs


April 15th - Special Needs Resouce Fair for Racine County

Save the Date




From WisconSibs
For adults who have a sibling with developmental disabilities or long-term illnesses, the journey together is lifelong. You may already be in a caregiving role or expect to in the future. This 2 workshop program helps you clarify your role and get the planning tools to move forward:  
WisconSibs Journey Forward - check the website for future dates


Of particular interest may be the following sites found on our links page:

ARC, Children with Special Needs, DHFS and Wisconsin Statewide Transition Initiative.