ADRC of Racine County, Wisconsin



Respite care can come in many forms and is essentially about providing a break for the caregiver and also the care receiver.  It can include care during the day, overnight stays, or even a few hours of a fun activity.


Caregiver Support at the ADRC    262-833-8777

The ADRC has trained Caregiver Support Specialists to support those caring for someone over 60, caregivers who are over 60 years of age, and anyone caring for a person with dementia. They can speak with you about respite care and options you might consider. 
Call the ADRC and ask for a referral.
Share the Care

Have you been taking care of someone for a long time?
Are you feeling burnt out?
Do you feel you can’t do this alone anymore?
Find out about a model program on how to create a unique caregiving family from friends, relatives, co-workers, neighbors and acquaintances. Ask the ADRC about the Wisconsin Share the Care programs- 
Visit the national Share the Care website at,  or contact the Aging and Disability Resource Center of Racine County at 262-833-8777 for other ideas or a referral to caregiver support.

Resources for Respite Care

If you would like information about local respite care providers see the Community Resource Directory, beginning on page 10. It can be found here. You can also contact the Aging and Disability Resource Center at 262-833-8777.