ADRC of Racine County, Wisconsin


The Caregiver Support team at the Aging and Disability Resource Center of Racine County, along with providing ongoing support for caregivers, facilitates several classes for older adults and caregivers throughout the year. Below is a very basic understanding of the classes offered. The classes for each year are published both in our newsletter and on the ADRC website. If you are interested in learning more about any of these classes, registering for a scheduled class, or being added to a waitlist, please contact the ADRC 


Classes and Programs




Powerful Tools For Caregivers*

Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a six week, two-hour per week course. Caregivers learn many different tools to work with their loved one and others during their caregiving journey. There are communication techniques, relaxation options, and many other things that are very helpful along any caregiving journey.

Classes will resume in 2025


For information calli 262-833-8764 or email

For Information on the next session check back


Wellness/Self Care


Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes Online*

During this FREE ONLINE program you will:
  • Attend live, interactive classes online from your computer or mobile device.
  • Receive weekly support from your instructor, a trained lifestyle coach.
  • Connect with others working on the same goals as you.
  • Learn ways to manage stress.
  • Overcome barriers to healthy eating and physical activity.
Please indicate if Internet service is a barrier. FREE Hot
Spots are available.All participants must be Racine County residents and over 60+ years of age.
New series begin frequently and occur weekly for 12 months see the - Flyer  For details and to register, please email Taylor Scherer

Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Online*

Check it out!—a 15-week weight management program that works because it is not a diet—it’s a lifestyle!
All weekly classes are conducted online by a live instructor, fostering interaction between the instructor and all participants.
Participants can conveniently attend classes from home or office using a computer or mobile device.
ADRC of Racine County is covering the full cost of the program.
All participants must be Racine County residents and
over 60+ years of age.
New series begin frequently- Flyer 
For details and to register, please email Taylor Scherer
Please indicate if Internet service is a barrier. FREE Hot
Spots are available.All participants must be Racine County residents and over 60+ years of age.

Healthy Living with Chronic Pain*

A researched and proven program to improve health and well-being for people with chronic pain.
Join a HLCP workshop to explore ways to better manage your chronic pain. Take the time to make the changes you want to make. Build your “pain management toolbox”, practice new concepts, and share your experience with others. Set your own goals and priorities. Week-by-week, you’ll see what works for you and take steps toward healthier living.
Coming Soon - Check below under Partner Programs or this section

Stepping On*

Stepping on is a seven week, two-hour per week course for older adults about falls prevention. During the course, participants learn exercises specific to balance and falls prevention, along with discussing a multitude of other topics that relate to falls prevention, such as footwear, medication, and vision. 

Join Us for Stepping On! 

ADRC Auditorium
County Public works Bldg 
Wednesdays February 26th – April 9th
9:00AM - 11:00AM



Contact Ruth at 262-833-874 or email


Medicare Programs


Medicare Workshops for those 60+

Workshop Features:

  • The Basic Overview of Medicare
  • Medicare Supplements –vs– Medicare Advantage
  • Prescription Drug Coverage
  • Medicare Plan Finder
  • What is new with Medicare 


Workshops 2025

Call to Register in advance 262-833-8777 or email
These sessions will take place at the ADRC Auditorium
At the Racine County Ives Grove Complex 14200 Washington Ave.
There will be opportunities for online classes as well.
Call with questions or to register
February 5th  
9:00 am to 11:00 am Flyer

   Check out our Medicare Workshops above, but if you want to go online:

Several Videos about how Medicare works.  See:  You can also find information on enrollment. See more information on our Medicare page.


Information Series and Other Opportunities


Healthy Adult Resource Fair 2025

Sip & Swipe

Sip & Swipe is a four-week, one hour per week course that teaches older adults how to use a tablet computer. The learner needs no prior experience with any type of computer and does not need to bring their own. A coach is at each session to help guide learners through the tutorial program.  Know your way around a tablet computer? Become a volunteer coach for the Sip and Swipe Cafe Tablet training program. 

Programs coming soon

Racine Public Library Flyer
Wednesdays February 5, 12, 19. & 26th
1:00 to 2:00 pm
Burlington Publlic Library Flyer
Wednesdays March 5, 12, 19. & 26th
3:00 to 4:00 pm
For information and to RSVP contact Taylor S at


Partner Programs


Healthy Living with Chronic Pain

If living with ongoing pain is keeping you from doing the things you want to do, Healthy Living with Chronic Pain can help by giving you the tools and strategies to manage your pain. Email for more information. 

Stepping on Classes By Aurora in the Burlington area.

See the Flyer for dates and more information.

Check back for upcoming programs

*Evidence-based class through the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging
All of the classes are informative not only because of the facilitation by the leaders, but also because each person who comes to the class has their own wisdom and experiences that they bring to the table. In this way, the participants and co-leaders all learn from each other. Each class is a rich experience that can be remembered long after the class is over, and each class has information that can be used all throughout your life.