
Make a Difference
Would you like to volunteer for ADRC programs? Download the Application Here or give us a call and one will be mailed to you. 262-833-8766 or email: RCNutrition@racinecounty.com.
See all of the ADRC Volunteer Opportunities
Want to see what it is like to deliver for Meals on Wheels? Check out these brief videos:
College Age Adult: https://youtu.be/y8cBwGs4N6c
Teams for Volunteers: https://youtu.be/Mosby5sGA6s
Recently Retired: https://youtu.be/_vdHi4YB0VY

Benefits Of Volunteering
Make a difference! Volunteers can reap satisfaction and benefits of volunteering by becoming involved in their communities. Not sure how volunteering can be a personal benefit to you? Here are four reasons to give a little time:
1. Growth - Volunteers see growth and change. This reinforces the volunteer's own sense of worthiness and vitality in the program.
2. Enrichment - There's nothing more fulfilling than realizing how much of an impact a volunteer can make. Just a few hours of helping can turn into a lifetime of opportunity, which is one of the greatest benefits of volunteering.
3. Learning - Volunteer opportunities often allow people to try new activities or learn new skills.
4. Friendships - When like-minded people get together, friendships are formed. By giving just a few hours a week, lifetime friendships may be established.

I Want To Know More -
Volunteer Guardian- What is Guardianship?
Sometimes an adult is unable to manage his or her own affairs because of developmental disability or infirmities of aging. When a person is unable to care for him or herself, it may be necessary for a guardian to be appointed to assume the decision-making responsibilities for the individuals. See more...
If you or someone you know are interested in becoming a volunteer guardian call us today at: 262-833-8777. Call today and begin to make a difference!
Sites of interest on our links page regarding this topic are: GWAAR (Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources): Guardianship Support Center
Take the free Guardianship Class at: https://www.uwgb.edu/guardianship-training/ You can also join the registry.

Other Ways To Help
Consider becoming a SHIP Volunteer. See the brochure for more information.
Know your way around a tablet computer?
Donate to Senior Programs:
By donating to Meals on Wheels, you help ensure that seniors in Racine County get the nutrition they need to live independently. Donate by Mail or Phone: 1717 Taylor Ave. Attn: Sr. Nutrition Program Racine, WI 53403 or 262-833-8766.
Other areas funded by Older Americans Act funds that accept donations are Caregiver Support, Evidence based classes offered and related activities like the annual Caregiver Event. Call the ADRC at 262-833-8777 with questions. You can also email adrc@racinecounty.com or mail to Katy Hansen, Aging Director, 14200 Washington Ave, Sturtevant, WI 53177.