Senior Nutrition Program

Racine County offers a nutrition program to anyone 60 years or older, and their spouse of any age. Nutritious meals create an opportunity to build a relationship and strengthen bonds with each individual. Regular meals provide tailored nutrition, social connection, safety and more. Call us at: 262-833-8766 or toll free at: 866-219-1043, or email

Current Menu

Senior Dining Sites
To qualify to attend a nutrition dining site you must be over the age of 60 and have a means of getting to the site. Contact the ADRC if you would like information about transportation options in the community. Participants may eat on days they choose at an open site. Reservations are necessary by 9:00 a.m. the day before at traditional meal sites. Participants are asked to contribute toward the cost of the meal according to their ability to pay. The various sites are listed below
Traditional Dining Centers are located at:
Mount Pleasant Place
5820 Lincoln Village Drive –
Serving at 11:30 am Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Map
Enter Rear of building, garage door. Go to hallway, turn left , 4th door to your right is the dining room
Salvation Army
1901 Washington Avenue -
Serving at 11:30 am Monday through Friday Map
Enter side bottom door by parking lot. Go down stairs.
Burlington Senior Activity Center
587 E State St, Burlington –
Serving at noon Monday through Friday Map
Entrance off parking lot. Rear of building.
Bruno's Restaurant* Flyer
730 Cornerstone Crossing, Waterford Map
Serving 1st and 3rd Wednesdays AND 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month
11:00 am- 12:30 pm
*Note - No reservation is required for the Bruno's restaurant program.

Meals on Wheels
The Meals on Wheels program provides a hot, nutritious meal to seniors who are no longer able to able to leave their home unassisted and prepare their own meals. In addition to bringing meals, our drivers check on the well-being of our participants.
The requirements to qualify for the Meals on Wheels program are as follows:
Generally unable to leave home unassisted
Must be 60 years or older
Has difficulty preparing meals
Must be unable to attend Senior Lunch program or Dining Center
Has no one willing or able to cook for him/her
You can look forward to seeing one of our dedicated volunteer drivers bring a meal and a smile right to your door.

Make A Difference
Would you like to volunteer for the nutrition program Meals on Wheels? Apply Here or give us a call and one will be mailed to you. Call 262-833-8766, or email: See the Volunteer page to see all the opportunities available
Want to see what it is like to volunteer for Meals on Wheels? Check out these brief videos of local volunteers:
College Age Adult:
Teams for Volunteers:
Recently Retired:
By donating to Meals on Wheels, you help ensure that seniors in Racine County get the nutrition they need to live independently. Donate by Mail or Phone: Meals on Wheels, 1717 Taylor Ave, Racine 53403 or 262-833-8766.

Information & Resources
Choose My Plate -
FoodWise - UW Extension: